Principal Investigator

621 Skytop
Suite 1235
Lab Manager

Lab Manager/Speech-Language Pathologist
I am a licensed speech-language pathologist with background in creative writing/poetry, communications, and art, as well as teaching English as a foreign language abroad (Peace Corps, Bulgaria, 2004-2006). I have clinical experience in medical settings. Language holds a dear place in my heart, and I am so curious to see where this Lab’s research goes—and eager to help it get there.
Lab Members

Keona Bukhari-Adams
I am an undergraduate student and UKSI Fulbright alum pursuing a double major in Neuroscience (B.S.) and Psychology (B.S.). I joined Dr. Riley’s Aphasia Lab to gain hands-on experience and enhance my research skills as I prepare for a career in medicine. I am excited to embrace this opportunity and see where this journey takes me!

I’m an undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Biology and a B.S. in Neuroscience as well as a minor in Psychology. When I heard about the innovative and impactful work being conducted at the Aphasia lab, I joined to gain an education on an understudied subject as well as help make a difference in people’s lives. Seeking a career in medicine post-grad, I hope to gain clinical research skills as well as a greater understanding of the function and significance of aphasia.

I am an undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Communication Sciences & Disorders. I joined Dr. Riley’s Aphasia Lab while taking her class on the cognitive neuroscience of speech and language because I wanted to learn more about research related to aphasia. I look forward to improving my research skills and learning more about clinical research in the speech pathology field.

I am an MS student in Speech-Language Pathology at Syracuse University with an MA in Ethics and Peace in Global Affairs (American University) and an MA in Philosophy (Penn State University). I am interested in language and language disorders in adult populations.

I am a licensed speech-language pathologist and a PhD student here at Syracuse University. I chose to work with Dr. Riley and the Aphasia Lab due to my interest in neuroscience and fatigue research within the field of speech-language pathology. I am excited for the work we are doing in this lab and am thrilled to be a part of it!

I am currently pursuing a dual Communication Sciences & Disorders B.S. and a Neuroscience B.S. I’m deeply interested in research involving neuromodulation as it relates to speech and rehabilitation; so, the work done at the Aphasia Lab perfectly fits my interests in the field. I’m more than excited to expand my knowledge of the clinical research setting, and contribute to our findings at the SU Aphasia Lab.

I am an undergraduate student currently pursuing dual degrees in Neuroscience, B.S., and Psychology, B.S. After learning about the neuroscience behind Aphasia, I joined this lab to further broaden my knowledge on the subject, as well as to experience a new and rapidly expanding field of research. I am looking forward to improving my research skills and will hopefully apply these skills in the future as part of my clinical career!

I’m an undergraduate student currently pursuing a B.S. in Biology, Economics, and Neuroscience, and am on the pre-med track. I am fascinated at the work this lab stands to offer the Aphasia community, and I couldn’t be more excited to be involved in that process.
Lab Alumni
Samantha Addonisio
Anjelica Alarcon
Elizabeth Allison
Jesie Amaya
Alyssa Anderson
Simone-Alexandria Bellot
Lyla Birenbaum
Marie Brincat
Maddie Brouillard
Margaret Brush
Lisa Cutrona
Ana Cottrell
Lyndsy Davis
Alexis Degennaro
Hannah Fox
Beakal Gezahegn
Anastasia Giachalis
Abigail (Abby) Greene
Dannielle Hibshman
Jack Horowitz
Jennifer Hylkema
Wyeth Karpovich
Caroline Kaufman
Danielle Kealy
Amelia Kelly
Juliet Kibbe
Donna Kim
Stephanie Klajbor
Irene Klemens
Kostika Kosova
Brianna Lennehan
Bailey Malnak
Joshua McCleary
Olivia McVoy
Eve Mercer
Mitchell Mazza
Zikora Nnam
Candice Ogbu
Oseaghe Omomhenle
Laura Panzone
Sarah Perry
Christina Piera
Michael Ryabov
Alexandra Sandler
Ellie Sherfey
Amy Siegel
Savannah Siu
Sadie Smith
Sara Sokolove
Susanne Spencer
Elizabeth Tarangelo
Laurel (Laurie) Thompson
Mikaella Verblaauw
Nicole Vieyto
Edjae Villamor
Alex Weiner
Gabrielle Weinstein
Joy Wharton
Julia White
Ying Wu
Nan Yang